Placenta Services

Placenta Consumption (aka Placentophagy):
Whenever possible, I will come to pick up your placenta from your home/hospital with in four (4) hours of receiving your call. It is recommended that you refrigerate or put your placenta on ice until my arrival.

I provide encapsulation, tincture, and smoothie services. All placental services include prenatal counseling when possible, detailed instructions/recommendations for use, and umbilical keepsake.
Placenta pills should be used with caution while you are ill (common cold, mastitis, etc).

Why consume my placenta?
     Placental consumption is thought to
  • contain your own natural hormones
  • be perfectly made for and from you
  • increase maternal bond with baby and partner
  • balance maternal hormone levels more rapidly
  • lessen postnatal bleeding
  • hasten return of uterus to pre-pregnancy state
  • aide in milk production
  • prevent/counteract maternal iron deficiency
  • vitamin B-12 and increased maternal energy
  • reduce/prevent 'baby blues' and post partum depression 
Placenta Capsules
Encapsulation typically results in 100-200 capsules dependent on placental size and other methods of consumption.
Capsules last many years when stored in the freezer and can be taken for PMS, low milk supply, and even Menopause. 
It is recommended that capsules be taken with a small meal and a glass of juice to encourage proper absorption in the stomach. 

Placenta tincture is an alternative method of consumption that can be used in addition to and long after the capsules have been used.
By fermenting a small piece of the placenta in high grade alcohol, we create a potent delivery method and prolong the benefits of your placental hormones. At the dosing and dilution recommendation, the alcohol as no intoxicating effects and is less potent than over the counter cough medicines. 
The tincture may be used in any time of trauma, transition, emotional distress, or illness, and during menopause to ease symptoms.
The tincture could also benefit female child at the onset of menstruation.
Extra tincture could also be shared with your mother or female sibling. 
The tincture takes six to eight weeks to prepare and is very shelf-stable if kept in a cool, dark place such as a cupboard and will last for many years.

Smoothies provide immediate hormonal support and are prepared using strong tasting fruits, yogurt, and juices based on season and mother's preference and serve as an immediate return of strength and vitality to the mother. 
A single smoothie can be prepared for consumption on the day of birth as a stand alone or in conjunction with a smoothie package of six smoothies.

How long does it take?
     Smoothies can be prepared immediately upon pick up of placenta in the case of an unmedicated birth. In cases where medication and/or intervention has occurred during labor and delivery,  smoothie(s) can be delivered with in the first 24 hours.

     Encapsulation, using either the RAW method or the Tradition Chinese Method, typically takes 2-4 days (I will determine the appropriate preparation method based on your delivery and needs) and yields 70-150 capsules dependent on placental size and other methods of consumption.

     Tincture takes approximately six to eight weeks to prepare.

How much does it cost?
     Basic - encapsulation and umbilical keepsake - $135 (or included in doula services)
     Single smoothie - $25
     Deluxe - encapsulation, umbilical keepsake, and tincture - $160
A $50 deposit is required at time of booking to hold your place on my calendar.

Methods of Payment:
We currently accept cash, check, paypal, and all major credit/debit cards.
**Please Note: Because I feel passionate that all women should have access to the care and services their feel they need, all fees negotiable/barterable.

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